
Trip to South Carolina

F-16's don't have cupholders?!?!
F-16’s don’t have cupholders?!?!

I’ve forgotten how big the sky can seem when your world isn’t nestled between two ridgelines.  We saw an F-16 and F-22 practicing maneuvers together in a noisy, high-speed ballet.  I got to sit in the cockpit of an F-16, no not the Iron Eagle special.  You will want to know that it doesn’t have a cupholder.  I now know more about ejector seats than I ever expected.

Fuzzy Midnight in SC
Horses don’t have cupholders Aunt Candace!

We took Little Miss out to the county for a pony ride on a chilly Sunday morning.  Little Miss was also upset that there was no cup holder.

Overall, I’d say I had more fun than she did. I got to do a little Reiki on the colts and their mamas.  I love that moment when they approach from far away and just nudge their head into my hands.

I also taught my first Reiki Level 1 class on this quick little visit, so it’s been quite a bit of everything.  4 students was the perfect number to begin, I do declare.

Oh, and seriously, why is the fried chicken so good in the south?  It can’t be the way they are processed. I’m currently near a chicken processing plant and the smell isn’t conducive to hunger or warm fuzzies.