
Carmel Valley Reiki provides a variety of Reiki related services. Reiki sessions can be arranged for humans and animals and even spaces. Sessions can be in my office or in your home.
There are so very many different types of Reiki, sessions can be traditional Usai Reiki, Shamanic Reiki, or even incorporate elements of aromatherapy depending on your specific request and needs.


In person, For person 
Sessions typically last 1 hour to 1 hour and fifteen minutes.  The hands-on work is typically 50 minutes plus intake and feedback. These sessions can be done in my office or in your home.    

In person, For animal
It is really hard to predict how long a Reiki session on an animal can last, or if they will even accept the session. Reiki can be done on any type of animal.  I’ve shared Reiki with dogs, horses, deer and even chickens.   Working with animals is obviously different than working with people.  We do not restrain or force a session upon them.  Generally we know within 5 minutes if the animal is open to receiving Reiki energy or not.  Animals receiving Reiki will frequently move their body into a position so that the practitioner can work on a specific spot.  Others will scamper about, still others will fall asleep.  Some start out across the room and slowly approach, ending up asleep in my lap! In my experience animal reiki sessions last 15 minutes to  1 hour.  If you have multiple animals in your home, we can very likely accomplish multiple sessions within 1 hour. If I’ve come to your home and your animal rejects the Reiki session, we can fill the time with a session on you.   At this time, all animal sessions are done in your home.

Distance Private
I offer a complimentary 30 minute first time distance reiki session. I offer this because I know that distance Reiki stretches logic. But it works, and the only way for a person to believe it does work is through experiencing it.  For east coast clients I recommend setting up an appointment at your normal bedtime, or while you have your home to yourself.  Many people find these sessions deeply relaxing and fall asleep, so it’s a great treatment for anxiety and insomnia.   These are focused, scheduled sessions, where I will work specifically on moving Reiki energy through your chakras and areas as guided.

Distance Group
Honestly, still deciding if I’m going to offer this service.  It involves sending out reiki to many people at once.  The receivers generally feel comforted, and a sense of well-being, but specific issues are not targeted. 


First Degree Reiki, aka Reiki Level 1
This is an entry level class that assumes you know nothing about Reiki.  With the completion of the class you will be attuned to Reiki energy. The class focuses on self-care, and using Reiki to move through your own obstacles and blockages. Topics cover history of reiki, hand positions on self and others and importance of daily practice. Because I recognize that once attuned to Reiki you will want to share it with others, we will review proper hand positions on other people. 

Currently classes are offered on request and can accommodate up to 6 people.  Contact me for more information.